September 25, 2021


September 25, 2021


"Dear Children! Pray, witness and rejoice with me because the Most High continues to send me to lead you on the way of holiness. Be aware, little children that life is short and eternity is waiting for you to give glory to God with your being, with all the saints. Little children, do not worry about earthly things, but long for Heaven. Heaven will be your goal and joy will begin to reign in your heart. I am with you and bless all of you with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call." 

Dear Friends,

As His great Saints have repeated to us, Our Lord told us not to be afraid. Imagine a father seeing an angry dog barking to his young kid and the kid is afraid and crying. This good Father picks up the kid and he calms the child as he rebukes the dog, and he tells to the child, "Do not be afraid". I imagine Jesus that way. He is that strong Father who tells us also not to be afraid, not because there is no reason to be afraid of, but because He got our backs if we allow Him to hold us in His powerful hands.

Jesus knows there are many things that scare us; especially today where there are many uncertainties, and sicknesses; we don't fully understand and how to protect ourselves from or how to heal them. Jesus knows there are things that provoke us to be afraid, but like a good, understanding Father, He reassures us and tells us not to be afraid, because we have Him who can do all things, who is stronger than anything that attacks us, His children. Remember when Our Lord was with his disciples in the boat and He fell asleep and there came a strong wind in the sea that threatened their lives and they were scared. His apostles woke Him up and said to Him, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?' He woke up and turned to the wind and said "Quiet, be still" and the wind was calm instantly. He then turned to the disciples and said, "Do you still have no faith? They were astonished that even the wind listens to Him.

He questioned their Faith, not the reason why they were afraid. You see, as long as we have Faith in Him we shouldn't be afraid, but if we don't have Faith in Him, there is every reason to be afraid. The Bible speaks about the effect of Faith, "Truly I tell you, if you have Faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20. I have loved this Bible verse so much, for so long, and for so long I try to have that small Faith that can move mountains.

 Whatever you might be going through or worried about, please remember the way to Jesus' Heart and Power, is a true Faith. And the way to grow in Faith, is Prayer, Repentance, reading the word of God and doing actions of kindness. Do your part, and do not be afraid. On March 28, 1985, Our Lady said, "Dear children! Today I wish to call you to pray, pray pray! In prayer you shall perceive the greatest joy and the way out of every situation that has no exit. Thank you for starting up prayer. Each individual is dear to my heart. And I thank all who have urged prayer in their families. 

Thank you for having responded to my call."  

May God bless you,   Immaculee 

October 25, 2021


"Dear children! Return to prayer because who prays is not afraid of the future; who prays is open to life and respects the life of others; who prays, little children, feels the freedom of the children of God and in joy of heart serves for the good for his brother-man. Because God is love and freedom, therefore, little children, when they want to put you in bonds and to use you, it is  not from God. Because God loves and gives His peace to every creature; and that is why He sent  me to you to help you to grow in holiness. Thank you for having responded to my call."


Harry Truman


Harry Truman was a different kind of President. He probably made as many, or more important decisions regarding our nation's history as any of the other 42 Presidents preceding him. However, a measure of his greatness may rest on what he did after he left the White House.

The only asset he had when he died was the house he lived in, which was in Independence Missouri. Bess Truman inherited that house from her mother and father and other than their years in the White House, they lived their entire lives there.

When he retired from office in 1952, his income was a U.S. Army pension reported to have been $13,507.72 a year. Congress, noting that he was paying for his stamps and personally licking them, granted him an 'allowance' and, later, a retroactive pension of $25,000 per year.

After President Eisenhower was inaugurated, Harry and Bess drove home to Missouri by themselves. There was no Secret Service following them. When offered corporate positions at large salaries, he declined, stating, "You don't want me. You want the office of the President, and that doesn't belong to me. It belongs to the American people and it's not for sale."

Even later, on May 6, 1971, when Congress was preparing to award him the Medal of Honor on his 87th birthday, he refused to accept it, writing, "I don't consider that I have done anything which should be the reason for any award, Congressional or otherwise."

As president he paid for all of his own travel expenses and food.  Modern politicians have found a new level of success in cashing in on the Presidency, resulting in untold wealth. Today, many in Congress also have found a way to become quite wealthy while enjoying the fruits of their offices. Political offices are now for sale.

November 25, 2021

"Dear children! I am with you in this time of mercy and I am calling all of you to be carriers of peace and love in this world where, through me, little children, God is calling you to be prayer and love, and an expression of Heaven here on earth. May your hearts be filled with joy and faith in God; that, little children, you may have complete trust in His holy will. That is why I am with you, because He, the Most High, is sending me among you to encourage you to the hope; and you will be peacemakers in this peaceless world. Thank you for having responded to my call."


The Perpetual Light Of Christ Shines

Amid the Darkness

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shined" (Isaiah 9:2).

More than 80 years ago, the United States was celebrating a somber Christmas in 1941, having been thrust into global war against two seemingly unstoppable powers. The Empire of Japan had shocked the U.S. with the Dec. 7 surprise attack on Pearl Harbor and launched an invasion of the Philippines. The Nazi war machine that conquered Europe had penetrated deep into Russia. Dark days overshadowed Christmas 1941, and even then, few imagined the darkest for humanity were yet to come.

Before this menacing specter of an uncertain fixture and its attendant catastrophes for humanity, Pope Pius XII drew believers' gaze back to the scene in first-century Judea. He invited them to place themselves "before the ineffable mystery of God's merciful goodness" manifest in the newborn Redeemer, to whom belongs "the past, the present and the fixture."

The Pope address the "bitter times of warlike upheavals" by which all of them — Pius X11 included — found themselves overwhelmed.

He confronted the "hostility against God and Christ that drags men to temporal and eternal ruin" and that had plunged the world into global conflict, and the Pope prayed that "greater religious knowledge and new purposes prevail."

The world's problems in 2021 seem dauntless to us in our own time. As doubtless they did to Catholics 80 years ago. But Pius XIIs exhortation to look to Jesus Christ holds just as true. 


Asking, "What can't we do with the Gospel?" We can both acknowledge our world's brokenness — even our church's brokenness- and take our cue from the great missionary, St. Francis Xavier, who realized "there are no limits' to our horizon when we put it all in God's hands".

Above all, he exhorted Catholics to "look today, beloved children, to the Man-God, born in a cave to raise man to that greatness from which he had fallen through his own fault to put him back on the throne of freedom, justice and honor, which the centuries of false gods had denied him."

Excerpt of Editorial in The National Catholic Register of EWTN

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OUR BLESSED MOTHER MARY — "Be My Extended Hands."

A Baby boy in Africa was dying of malnutrition. He was taken in by a small group of Nuns. They fed him and nursed him back to good health and loved him. Unfortunately, when he reached seven years of age, he contracted a serious case of Malaria. Close to death, the heart broken sisters surrounded his bed, the little lad said, "Don't be sad sisters, Jesus gave me many gifts here on earth, but, where I am going — when I get to heaven — He is going to give me all His gifts.


"For I was hungry and you gave me food

I was thirsty and you gave me something

to drink, I was a stranger and

you welcomed me."

Contributed by Deacon Dan Satterlee, St. Catherine of Siena, DuBois, PA

About Heaven...

"In Heaven, we are surrounded by God, Who is the source of all joy and Who never changes."

"I think the most glorious moment ... will be when God looks at us and we look at Him face-to-face for the first time ... For the look of God is so powerful and so beautiful and so loving that it makes our entire earthly lives seem like nothing."

Mother Angelica

Prayer cards with this prayer were distributed at my parish, St. Joseph/Bread of life, to celebrate the Year of St. Joseph, which ends on December 8. At the bottom of the card it says, "Saint Joseph loves this prayer!"


The Donkey Prayer to St. Joseph


Dear Saint Joseph, God entrusted you to put Mary and Jesus on the donkey and lead them to where they were supposed to go.  When God spoke, you listened and obeyed without one word of hesitation. Mary trusted completely that God was leading you, though she knew not where you were taking Her and Jesus. You always went where God led and you always led them in safety, and to safety, from all who threatened them.

Dear Saint Joseph, I entrust you as my foster father, also. Please put me on the donkey and take me to where God wills, even though I don't know where you are taking me today or in the future. I trust you to hear God and to take me where I am supposed to be at every moment of every day, in great and small ways. Please put me on the donkey today and lead me. 

I also ask you to put others on donkeys and lead them into my path as God wills. Thank you in advance for your intercession,  provision, and protection. Amen.

The Shorter Version:

Dear Saint Joseph, God entrusted you to put Mary and Jesus on the donkey and lead them to where they were supposed to be.


Please put me on the donkey and lead me to where I am supposed to be and lead others into my path. Thank you. Amen.

 HEBREWS 11:16: Desire a better country.

"Dear Children, You are my strength. You, my apostles, who with your love, humility and silence of prayer are making it possible for one to come to know my son. You live in me. You carry me in your heart. You know that you have a mother who loves you and who has come to bring love. I am looking at you in the Heavenly Father — your thoughts, your pains, your sufferings — and I offer them to my son. Do not be afraid and-do not lose hope."


 To hear Our Lady's Message, very early, by phone call 1-814-787-5683 (LOVE) Usually available on the 26" of each month. Prayer requests received at this number are given to the Visionary, Vicka,  so that she may offer them to Our Lady. Prayer petitions can also be hand written and sent in a sealed envelope to: The Holy Family, Inc. P.O. Box 442 St. Marys, PA 15857-0442. They are forwarded to Vicka who presents them to Our Lady.