Message Aug/September 25, 2020

Message of the Blessed Virgin Mary

August 25, 2020

"Dear children! This is a time of grace. I am with you and anew am calling you, little children: return to God and to prayer until prayer will be a joy for you. Little children, you do not have a future or peace until your life begins with a personal conversion and a change to the good. Evil will cease and peace will begin to reign in your hearts and in the world. Therefore, little children, pray, pray, pray. I am with you and intercede before my son Jesus for each of you. Thank you for having responded to my call.

Ivan Addresses the Youth [and us as well]

By Cathy Nolan

Ivan Dragicevic addressed the 31st Youth Festival in a public letter, and so I would like to share it with all of you!  It is very beautiful. I feel his words come straight from Our Lady's heart: 

Message from Visionary Ivan on 31st Youth Festival:

"I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now...for I shall not pass this way again."[unspecified source]  Dear priests, dear friends in Christ and especially the youth so tender and dear to my heart:

I would like to greet you from the heart in a special way during this most extraordinary Mladifest where we are praying for and celebrating the love of Jesus and Mary.

Our Lady says "The one who prays does not need to be afraid of the future." He does not need to be fearful. My dear youth, you do not need to be afraid of the future. All events are in the hands of God. It is Jesus who calls you to trust in Him and pray to Him, to converse with Him, and share Him all in your heart.

We have entered into a difficult time in the Church and in the world. But let us remember that we have been born for this time in God's wisdom. Our Lady continues to say, "Children I need you; I need you to help my plans be realized." This call is also for you. Our Lady in a special way holds you, the young people, as the apple of her eye. She loves you with a tender love. It is very difficult to describe to you the love she has for you when she gazes on each of you - one by one.  It is a love beyond description, so beautiful, so tender, so uplifting. 

Our Lady needs you. She first needs you to open your hearts to prayer. Pray more from the heart. In one of her messages Our Lady said, "...especially let the young people of this parish be more active in their prayers." She also said on another occasion, "I wish especially to say to the young people to be more open to the Holy Spirit because God wishes to draw you to Himself in these days when Satan is at work." Our Lady is constantly looking out for you, constantly guiding you, more than ever in these restless and peaceless times. The Queen of Peace asks us all to return to God.

My dear young people, the world cannot offer the hope and peace that Christ gives. Real peace comes only from Jesus. Jesus is your peace. Pray for this peace. The peaceless times are being born in the hearts of people who do not know God. This must not be for you. Open your hearts and pray, pray, pray so that you may know God better and that everyone may feel that love and peace of God through your example. Prayer in Christ brings peace to the heart. Only when the soul finds peace in God will it be content. 

Today, my dear youth, live this message of peace, this hope. Carry it to everyone in your families, your friends, your world. My dear young people, frequent the sacraments: especially Confession and Eucharist. The sacraments are your restoration and strength.

My dear young people, frequent the sacraments: especially Confession and Eucharist. The sacraments are your restoration and strength.

My dear young people, unceasingly pray the Rosary. With the Rosary you shall overcome all the adversities which Satan is trying to inflict on you and the world. Respond daily to her call to pray the Rosary. The Rosary brings you peace.

My dear young people, find time to adore Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Spend time in silence in order to hear more clearly the voice of the Holy Spirit in your lives.

My dear young people, live the messages of the Queen of Peace. Become an excellent student in the school of Love.

Do not be afraid. "The one who prays does not need to be afraid of the future." Jesus says in Scripture: Do not be afraid. Jesus sends His Mother and tells her to tell the children not to be afraid.

Our Lady comes to us here - Our Lady comes in a special way to you, the young people of the world, and she calls you to pray for Peace. She needs you. You are the future of the Church; you are the future of the world. And a world of peace is possible. It is possible through you. Let us not wait for someone else to start - it will be a waste of time. Start today and follow Our Lady's call and live better her messages.

God bless you. United in prayer, dear young people, I present you all through these days before Mary our Mother "Queen of Peace".

God bless, Ivan Dragicevic 

These words are for all of us, but especially for the young people of today. Thank you, Ivan, for speaking words of hope to us all.    www.marytv. tv

How to Prepare for the Future

The following is excerpted with permission from the book 'My Heart Will Triumph' by visionary Mirjana Soldo.

 When Lucia [dos Santos]announced that she had been given secrets {in Fatima}, she probably faced the same kind of fearful speculation that we've had to endure all these years. But the Blessed Mother did not entrust me with secrets for the purpose of causing fear. When you come to know Heaven, you learn to accept the will of God with all your heart.

  Why be afraid of what might happen tomorrow if we don't even know what will happen in an hour?  The only thing we need to fear is sin, which distances us from God. Fear of the future, and fear of the secrets, wastes our limited time on Earth. Your future could end today. We should cherish life while it lasts.

So when Our Lady told us that Medjugorje would be the fulfillment of Fatima and that her heart would triumph, it was a message of hope, not gloom. She was reminding us that when we walk with her we have nothing to worry about. But even now, people often ask me how they should prepare for the time of the secrets. Should they stock their basements with food? Move to the countryside and live off the land?   Buy a weapon to protect themselves?

I tell them, "Yes, you should get a weapon, and you should use it often. I show them my rosary. This is the only weapon you'll ever need. But it only works if you use it. "

In one of her earliest messages, Our Lady told us, "Prayer and fasting can stop wars and change the laws of nature," She was not speaking figuratively; prayer is more effective at creating change than anything we can do alone. The Rosary is an especially powerful prayer.

So should you prepare for the future? Yes. Prepare by making sure your soul is always ready to stand in front of God - not by building bunkers and stockpiling supplies. We should focus on what comes next. I have experienced Paradise, and I can attest that there's no place on Earth -  no mountain range, tropical island or seventh wonder -  that compares to what awaits those who choose light over darkness.

"God gave you free will to choose life or death," Our Lady said on March 18, 2003 during my annual apparition. "My children, without God, you can do nothing; do not forget this even for a moment."

 Our Lady's message is clear: we are all destined for eternity, but our actions on Earth dictate what it will be like for us. Our Lady showed me just a hint of what awaits those who reject God's love, and even the little I know is enough for me to feel immense sadness for every wayward soul.

"Jesus' Great Love"

What struck me watching The Passion this year was Jesus' relationship with His mother. Of course I always knew Jesus and Mary were close, but what that means never hit me before. In the scene at their home in which Jesus is building the table, I suddenly got it. Joseph has died.

It's just Jesus and Mary living together for however many years, until Jesus is thirty. And they were so close. They lived life just with each other, and only the two of them really understand that Jesus is set apart from everyone else. They are deeply bonded and each means the world to the other. They delight in each other. They care deeply for each other. And they suffer with each other.

Whenever one of the disciples meets Mary, he calls her "Mother". She must have been around a lot for them to have such familiar but respectful ease with her.

All throughout The Passion, Mary is keeping close to Jesus, trying to comfort Him, and is in absolute agony because of His suffering. Not just because He is her son. Because He is her everything. Her entire heart is filled with love only for Him. He is all she cares about. He is her world in a deeply real way. And she is His world too.

So often Mary is depicted in ways that are glorious and pious and holy and set her apart. But sometimes I think we forget about the person she was. To remember that person is to better understand the very real and down-to-earth bond she had with Jesus, and the example she set that is actually something we can follow. What a beautiful relationship they shared. What a concrete example of relationship with Jesus to follow.

This was one of the most special commissions I've ever had. When I paint something, it's very often something that was inspired in my prayer. What's really neat is that a lot of people who ask me to paint something for them request an idea that is exactly what would have popped into my mind. The Holy Spirit is consistent in His inspirations no matter where they come from.

This painting was commissioned for a really special place called The Cross on the Hill. The Cross is life-sized and overlooks the most stunning view of the mountains, and the peace there is on a level that I have experienced literally nowhere else despite my love of getting in the midst if nature everywhere. The presence of God there is tangible in a deeply, extra-special way.

 There is a prayer walkway that leads to the Cross. It is that walkway which is worked into this painting.

I was asked to paint a scene in which Jesus is on a walk with His parents. They're enjoying life together when suddenly Jesus breaks into a run. Mary just barely managing to keep hold of the tips of His fingers. They are laughing. Jesus is running because He is eager to get to His cross, His vocation-as eager as a little kid to get to the playground.

Not only does this moment speak of who Jesus is and how willingly He gives Himself for us, even sacrificing the intense love of family and deeper intimacy with His heavenly Father for it, but it speaks of a certain nobility for us to follow too. Life is hard, filled with suffering and trials. But there is a distinct joy that comes from following the path that God has laid for us, the tasks He asks of us. He asks us to take up our cross, but it's not just for pain, it is for nobility and glory and an imprint on the world that He has in mind specifically for each of us. Jesus was afraid of His cross, too-the agony in the garden makes that clear. But he followed His Father's lead anyway and He saved the world in the process. As Christians, we are called to be little Christs. Not in a pious, distant-from-the-world kind of way. We are called to follow Jesus in all His examples, as he lived in the world with people and ultimately sacrificed everything-but He did it all willingly, even eagerly.

In this painting, Jesus is still surrounded by love as He dashes to His cross. He invites us in, too. Let's dash to the cross on His heels. 'The Cross on the Hill' in Benezette, PA is the most peaceful place-because even though 'Jesus' moment of sacrifice was anything but peaceful, it enabled peace to reign, a peace that isn't flimsy but which sinks deep into the soul to live and  stay. If we embrace our crosses and vocations as eagerly and lovingly as Jesus embraced His, we'll have that kind of peace even in the midst of the hard parts because He'll be so intimate with us. And image the peace that follows the cross.

The story of the cross is not about death and suffering. That was not the end. The entire point of the cross was to bring about redemption and a rising again that was infinitely more glorious than the life that led up to it. Dashing to our crosses and embracing them is not meant to bring suffering. Suffering will be a part of it, but it is part of the process, not the goal. The goal is more attractive than anything we can imagine. If we dash to our crosses with Jesus, if we embrace them and embrace whatever life is set before us, He will take it all and transform it into all that peace and glory and intimacy with Him that is the whole point.

Jesus isn't dashing to His cross for the sake of the cross alone. He is dashing to it because of what He can bring out of it. And when I picture this scene taking place at The Cross on the Hill, it's all very understandable. Because there, The Cross we can touch and see is already a sign of victory. It stands in peace and beauty which is a clear glimpse into all He wants for us.

Maria (Lang)Garcia

September 25, 2020

"Dear children! I am with you for so long because God is great in His love and in my presence. I am calling you, little children: return to God and to prayer. May the measure of your [way of] living be love and do not forget, little children, that prayer and fasting work miracles in you and around you. May everything you do be for the glory of God, and then Heaven will fill your heart with joy and you will feel that God loves you and is sending me to save you and the earth on which you live. Thank you for having responded to my call."

Which way do we go? There is only ONE way!

By Fr. Ray Donohue

 The Five Stones of Our Lady are the nourishment our soul needs, such as praying from our Heart and not just saying words — praying the Holy Rosary and meditating on the life of Jesus and Mary as we also pray gently, slowly, prayerfully the Hail Mary, the Our Father, the Glory Be and the Fatima prayer. Don't rattle off a Rosary like you are an auctioneer, as fast as you can, with no feeling or thought behind it. PRAY the Holy Rosary slowly, deliberately, and prayerfully! Meditate on the mysteries. Put your mind, soul and heart into all your prayers! If you wander, bring yourself back and focus again. God and Our Lady love it when we pray from our hearts! Fasting, as I have said so many times, is a very high and holy prayer. Fasting is so holy: the devil runs away when we are fasting.. Holy Mother church is a moral compass in our world. It shows us what is holy and what is evil. In a month, there are elections. Many are proven pro-life candidates and do all they can to protect ALL life: the babies in the womb of their mothers, the babies just about to be born, and the babies who are newly born. These are holy and come right from God, precious and beautiful, just like Jesus was in the womb of Mary and on His birthday. Many candidates promise that they will make sure these babies in the womb will be murdered and their body parts sold. They state that even up to the birth and even after they are born, they will be horribly murdered. This is a moral issue. I hate politics. But I love God and His teachings, and I made a promise on my Ordination Day to do all I can to uphold Catholic teachings, which are Christ's Teaching! Our Lady told Mirjana, "Abortion is a great  sin, for it is killing a human being." And in a talk given in Ireland in January of 2013, Ivan reinforced the dignity of all human life. He said the large number of abortions in the world gives the Virgin Mary tears in her eyes, and that She calls us to respect life from the moment of conception to natural death. Please pray and fast that people, especially Catholics, will vote for candidates who support life. Also please pray and fast that people do not vote for candidates who promote socialism. I was in Medjugorje in the early years and saw what communism and socialism are like. I talked to the young people there and saw and heard directly from them the turmoil and sadness. It is evil and the work of the devil. In the 1950s, Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, in his famous TV show, "Life is Worth Living," warned viewers of the dangers of communism. He said that communism, socialism, and other secular athiest ideologies are a threat to Christian freedom and to the unalienable rights endowed by God — life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and that we must vigilantly defend our freedoms, particularly our freedom of religion. He said that it is not a political issue, but a moral issue. Stay in the state of Grace. Be responsible for your actions and those of your family. Teach them by your good and holy example. Crush Satan's head by your good works, by your charity, by your love and holy example. Use the Five Stones our Mother gave us to use. She gave us these for a reason; they are needed now more than ever. Listen to our Mother, and act upon Her requests and wishes. God bless you. I pray you have a blessed October, which is Respect Life Month. We honor Our Lady so much in October; may we all do our best to please Her by our actions, our love, and our hearts. May we all be converted in heart, mind, soul and spirit. May others see in us a strong moral compass to guide us in the correct direction by what we say and do, especially by what we do. We need to give example to the whole world of the Graces of God to those who follow Him through Mary. I love you, and I want what is best for you always. I will suffer for you and if I had to, I would die for you. You are in all my daily prayers, all my daily Masses, and in my heart. God, deliver us from evil, now, and at the hour of our death! Amen. In Jesus and Mary, —Father Ray, and my little beloved dog Dublin, and my reindeer Sleigh Belle.


Will the Catholic Bishops Call Out Joe?

"Joe is a man of faith," was a recurring theme at the Democratic convention that nominated him to become our second Catholic president.

Biden has often affirmed the centrality of his faith to his decisions in public life.

Yet, when the Supreme Court ruled in July that the Little Sisters of the Poor could not be forced, by an Obamacare mandate, to provide contraceptives to employees, Biden called the decision "disappointing."

For Joe has evolved over a half century. He is now an all-in Roe V. Wade Catholic who supports a woman's right to abortion and believes the tax dollars of his fellow Catholics should pay for the abortion of women who cannot afford them.

This year, he changed his position and came out against the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits the use of tax dollars to pay for abortions.

What triggered Joe's renunciation of his past support for the Hyde Amendment? Primary opponents Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris had battered him for it and Bernie Sanders had given Biden some tutoring in the new moral law of the Democratic Party.

With that cuffing, Biden scurried off the middle ground and was all in.

"Circumstances have changed," is how Biden explained his flip-flop.

Biden's moral journey from right-to-left to pro-abortion Democrat has not gone unnoticed within the Church. A dozen years ago, when Biden was still a senator, a bishop in Scranton, with  Joe in mind, declared:

"I will not tolerate any politician who claims to be a faithful Catholic who is not genuinely pro-life...No Catholic politician who supports the culture of death should approach Holy  Communion."

During the South Carolina primary, Fr. Robert Morey of Florence denied Biden communion on the grounds he had excommunicated himself by taking the stand he has taken on the killing of the unborn. (Note: Fr. Morey was following Charleston Diocese Policy and was backed up by his Bishop) (Oct. 27, 2019)

"Holy Communion signifies we are one with God, each other, and the Church," said Morey. "Any public figure who advocates for abortion places himself or herself out of the Church teachings."

Biden also supports the restoration of federal funds for Planned Parenthood, a provider of abortions. (Note: they harvest baby body parts for sale.)

On right-to-life, the declared position of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is clear:  "Taxpayer dollars should never fund abortions."

This unequivocal moral stance is being publicly repudiated and will be rejected, should he win the presidency of Nov. 3, by the professed believing and practicing Catholic, Joe Biden.

What, if anything, are the U.S. Catholic bishops going to say about this grave moral issue in the fall election? Or will they remain silent?                                Patrick J. Buchanan Noted Author: from

Note: Our Conference of Catholic Bishops 'Silence is Deafening' Evangelical Pastor Franklin Graham has the guts to speak out regularly on T.V. and Face book. Many Catholic Priests do so on their own. The Democrat Party 'Ain't what it used to be.' Joe Biden supports taking '...One Nation Under God...' out of Our Pledge of Allegiance. He supports very late term abortion — birthing full term live babies then killing them. They are attempting to Crucify Jesus Again !!

'It Is When A People Forget God That Tyrants Forge Their Chains.'

'A visited state of morals, a corrupted public conscience, is incompatible with freedom. No free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue: and by a frequent recurrence to fundamental principles.'  Patrick Henry

Religious Liberty is the Most Cherished of Our Freedoms

Sept. 14 Exaltation of the Holy Cross; Feast

In the early days of the Medjugorje Apparitions, Jesus appeared several times with Mary. He spoke only once. He told the seers how much He suffered, but conquered nonetheless. The visionary Vicka recalls: "He told us, 'Be firm of faith. Pray and have no fear, my angels. And you will conquer..."

Sept 13, 335, Emperor Constantine's Basilica of the Resurrections was dedicated in Jerusalem. The annual celebration of that event was followed the next day by a solemn veneration of the relic of the Holy (true) Cross preserved in the basilica. This gave rise to a major feast in the church - The Exaltation of the Cross. Today, there is a major relic of the True Cross of Jesus in a pillar at the main alter in Rome.

"... with history, the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own."

President John Fitzgerald Kennedy

"As long as we have God, we are never, ever alone. Whether it's the soldier on the night watch, or the single parent on the night shift, God will always give us solace and strength, and comfort."   President Trump

Whoever Receives One Such Child in My Name Receives Me

In taking in Foster Care our Adoptive Children we not only help resolve a human predicament but set in motion a chain of solidarity that is ongoing.

Often the little boy or girl develops as kind of very special love for those who have taken them out of solitude, poverty, and marginalization. It is a love of emotional gratitude and admiration that we do  not encounter in any other human situation. Perhaps the children do not think of it and do not succeed in expressing it in words, but it is there in the depths of their heats, and one day perhaps they will make their parents melt into tears.

St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta


(1) State of PA - Foster Parent & Adoption 814-246-2125

(2) Life Line Pregnancy & Infant Services is a branch ministry of Young People Who Care, Inc. If you have any questions or would like to make a donation please call 814-765-3225, Mon. thru Fri. 10A.M.- 4 P.M. 'Every Life is Worth Living'

(3) Bethany Retreat Center - P.O. Box 129 Frenchville, PA 16836 offers Retreats and events of a Spiritual Nature all year long. A peace filled rural setting, 'God is Spoke of Here.'

Email:  Phone # 814-263-4855

To hear Our Lady's Message, very early, by phone call 1-814-787-5683 (LOVE). Normally on the 26* of each month. Prayer petitions can be sent in a sealed envelope to: The Holy Family, Inc. P.O. Box 442 St. Marys, PA 15857-0442. Presented to Mary Queen of Peace for her intercession with Jesus her son.

The Image of Jesus on the Cross is created by shadows from the leaves. 2014  Mt. Zion Road, Weedville, PA  15868 

Stations commissioned by the children of George and Wanda Daghir of St. Marys, PA 

Stations commissioned by  the children of George and Wanda Daghir of St. Marys, PA